Register a device

This page applies to you if your radiocommunications system will operate under an existing spectrum licence in Australia. If this is not the case or you are unsure, you are more likely to be interested in applying for an apparatus licence.

Registering a spectrum-licensed device through Open Spectrum is a simple 3 step process:

Step 1

Provide us with the information we need using the following forms. Please use one form for every variation in location, spectrum requirement or equipment specification. Let us know if you need assistance.

To edit the form fields, save the PDF file to disk and then open it with Adobe Reader or equivalent. A form can be saved at any time. Alternatively feel free to print the forms and complete them manually. Please send all completed forms to

Step 2

Upon receipt of your form we will complete an interference impact assessment, and provide you with a quote for our services. We will let you know if any agreements are required in regards to licence core conditions or interference impact.

Step 3

Upon finalisation of required agreements (if any), we will lodge an application to register your device(s) with the ACMA on your behalf. We will notify you when the ACMA registers the device(s).